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Personalized Greeting Cards

Giant Teddy Personalized Greeting Cards

What could possibly make a gift from Giant Teddy even more special? We include one of our custom Giant Teddy cards with a unique personalized message from you with every furry friend you order.

Just type your greeting card message in the box marked “Message in Card” when you select your bear, and we’ll print it inside our teddy bear greeting card and tuck it into the box with your order.

You have up to 70 words (not just characters!) to be loving, funny, creative, kind, sympathetic, inspiring or just uniquely you. You can use all 70 words, or keep it short and sweet.

Need some ideas? Maybe one of these will spark your inner creative genius! Once you’re inspired, Let's Go Shop!

Sending you Giant Teddy Bear Love!
I Love You BEARY Much!
Sending you Bear Hugs and My Kisses!
A Giant Teddy Bear = Giant Love

I think you’re Beary Sweet!
To My Beary Best Friend...
Best Friends are only a Teddy Bear Away! Call me…

Hug This Bear if things get too hard to Bear.
Thinking of you and sending you my Beary Best.

Thank You:
Thank You Beary Much!

Missing Someone:
I Miss you so much, I can't Bear it!
I Miss you Beary Much!

For Laughs:
Need a Carpool Buddy?
My love is bigger than the average bear!
A Sexy Beast for My Sexy Beast!
I'll Keep You Warm...
Something Cuddly for Someone Cuddly!
I BEARLY Know you...But,

  • Gif loading SECURE PAYMENT

    We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order!

  • A Truck with free shipping text FREE SHIPPING

    Ship at no additional cost! ONLY applicable to the 48 US Contiguous States!


    If anything happens to your order, we want to know & want to make it right. You have our Paw of Honor!

  • Gif loading SUNNY CALIFORNIA

    Giant Teddy is in sunny Anaheim, California. We do most of our business online but if you are in the area, Contact Us about stopping by!